Feeding Your Baby
for families who intend to breastfeed, chestfeed, formula feed, combo feed, exclusively pump, or just aren’t sure.
In this 2 hour evidence-based feeding course, you will learn everything you need to know to set you and your baby up for success.
Course Agenda
We will cover the following topics during this interactive course:
The physiology & mechanics of breastfeeding/chestfeeding
What to expect in the days after delivery
Normal newborn feeding behavior in the first weeks and months
Pumping by choice or by necessity
Formula feeding and supplementation
The links between feeding and postpartum mood disorders
Including partners and support people in the feeding journey
Actual footage of me nursing an elf.
About Me
Hi! I’m Sarah. I’m a mother of two girls. I fed my daughters with breastmilk and formula, and I experienced all kinds of challenges like pumping at work (and in the car!), weight gain challenges, nipple pain… it goes on and on! Along the way, I had some amazing helpers who inspired me to work in the birth business. I believe that one of the best ways to ensure a great nursing relationship is to educate yourself and to gather your resources before the baby is born. I drew on my decade of classroom teaching experience to design this course, and I’m so excited to offer it to you to help you get ready to succeed!
Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC)
Certified Lactation Counselor® (CLC) · Healthy Children Project, Inc.
Licensed Classroom Teacher, State of Massachusetts
Baby Cafe Breastfeeding Counselor In-Training · Baby Cafe USA
Find out more About Me!