Lactation Consultant

In-Person & Virtual Breastfeeding Support

Helping families in Greater Boston, the North Shore, and Merrimack Valley of Massachusetts with breastfeeding, chestfeeding, pumping, bottle feeding, combo feeding, and anything else involving human milk.


I can help with…

Nipple pain and damage

Latching and positioning struggles

Weight gain issues

Low or insufficient milk supply

Pumping by necessity or choice

Formula feeding or combo feeding

Suspected tongue and and lip tie

Bottle refusal

Weaning and starting solids

Plugged ducts and mastitis

Extreme fussiness and gas

Prenatal consults

Home, office & virtual visits available

About Me

I’m an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), a mother of two, and an advocate for parents, no matter how you choose to feed your baby.

What My Clients Say

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